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Right Path Podiatry - sports Injury


Did you know that feet and legs are the most injured area for people participating in running sports? We know first-hand the frustration of injuries that keep you from working towards your health, quality of life and fitness goals. We also recognise the importance of minimising injury risk in children, elderly and the uninjured sports person.


We aim to minimise injury risk, improve physical performance and optimise rehabilitation and recovery. We want you to be the most robust version of yourself. We can do this by looking at risk factors and removing them and enhancing rehabilitation for the individual.


At Right Path Podiatry we assess your problem to make sure that the correct diagnosis is made. We then focus on the best prevention and treatment plan which can include a rehabilitation program, changes in lifestyle, change of footwear and possibly orthotics if there is an underlying biomechanical cause.

Are you at risk of feet or leg injury?


Sporting activities that involve walking, running, leaping or jumping put greater physical demands on your body, especially your feet. Poor training routines, shoes and biomechanics can also increase the risk for complications.

We can help minimise injury risk and optimise rehabilitation by:


  • Performing a Functional Biomechanical Assessment – Walking and Running Analysis

  • Assessing and recommending appropriate supportive footwear

  • Assessing and managing your training loads and schedules

  • Diagnosing any underlying foot or leg conditions

  • Formulating individualised Strength and Rehabilitation plans

  • Prescribing Orthotics where necessary


As with most things in life, it is better to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to sporting injuries. We can put into place preventative care and rehabilitation programs to prepare your body for the forces and loads which you will put through it and reduce the risk of developing any injuries whilst aiming to improve performance.

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