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A bursa is a small fluid-filled cushioning sac located near tendons, ligaments, skin, and muscles. The bursa works by protecting structures that would otherwise rub directly across the surface of a bone and cause damage or irritation. Healthy normal bursae allow for a smooth functional gliding surface making normal movement painless. When bursitis occurs, movement relying upon the inflamed bursa becomes difficult and can be very inflamed and painful. Additionally, movement of tendons and muscles over the inflamed bursa aggravates its inflammation. There are many causes of bursitis in the forefoot and other areas of the foot.

At Right Path Podiatry we assess the pain at the ball of foot and diagnose it. We then focus on the best prevention and treatment plan which can include changes in lifestyle, change of footwear and possibly orthotics if there is an underlying biomechanical cause.

“Jason is always so professional.
He is amazing at what he does.”

Alexa Young

Right Path Podiatry - bursitis
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