A biomechanical assessment is a detailed consultation, in which we assess the way that your feet, legs and body function during movement. They are a fundamental part of the process whereby we assess and diagnose your injuries and foot pain.
This consultation is designed to help patients with short or long-term injuries, those wanting to achieve a greater understanding as to how their body functions which will aid with rehabilitation and injury prevention.
Our process allows us to attain a thorough understanding of the way your body functions and allows us to identify the source of your body or foot pain or limitation. With this understanding, we can then form a provisional diagnosis to put into place short- and long-term management strategies to help you achieve your health, lifestyle and fitness goals as quickly as possible.
The Biomechanical Assessment Process
To understand the nature of your injury it is imperative that we take the time to understand your activity and injury history. To ensure this, we begin by:
Listening to your story
Ascertaining the symptoms, injuries, or the conditions you have
Looking at your previous injuries
Consider all medical conditions, lifestyle factors, occupational hazards and physical activities
Physical assessment of the area to help with diagnosis
If further diagnostic investigation is merited, you may be referred for x-ray, ultrasound, bone scan, MRI etc.
Gait Analysis
Here, we look at your overall posture from the position of your neck and back through to your hips, knees, legs, ankles and feet whilst you are walking and/or running. We can identify additional biomechanical factors that may be contributing to your foot pain or leg injury.
Formulating Individual Treatment Plans
Upon completion of these examinations and the area of concern is diagnosed. A tailored treatment plan will be prescribed to address your short- and long-term treatment requirements.
Short term interventions will likely be aimed at reducing pain and limitations whilst maintaining and improving mobility. Long term treatment is personalised according to your individual goals and the results of the examination process. The strategies implemented will be specifically put in place to help you achieve your health and wellness goals as efficiently as possible.
Strategies may include lifestyle or training changes, strength and conditioning programs, manual therapy, mobility programs, strapping, orthotic therapy, shockwave therapy, laser therapy, and footwear advice amongst others.